Heidelberg, den 19. 8. 2020
Interdisciplinary project on effects of drugs in the aquatic environment
Residues of pharmaceuticals in surface waters − in this case an antidiabetic and two antidepressants − also have effects on fish. Drugs for the treatment of depression have particularly strong effects, with fish losing their natural reaction to stress when substance concentration in the water is above a certain level. This is shown by studies carried out as part of the interdisciplinary project “Effect Network in Water Research” (Effect-Net).
Tübingen, den 13. 3. 2019
On March 11 and 12, 2019, the University of Tübingen hosted the workshop “From biological effect to regulation: How can new approaches help in substance evaluation?”.
Heidelberg, den 13. 8. 2015
Ministry of Education and Research awards four million euros to Heidelberg projects
Two water research networks with participating scientists from the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) of Heidelberg University will receive millions in funding from the state of Baden-Württemberg.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Braunbeck
Aquatic Ecology & Toxicology
COS - Centre for Organismal Studies
University of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 504
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49-(0)62 21-54 56 68